Timely Wanderings

Created To Create

Broken but Restored, Poem, Restored by God through the brokenness

Broken But Restored

Broken But Restored Its sometimes the sadness in our eyes,Perhaps also the tears when we cry,When caught up in our own train of thought,Going to

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Timely Wanderings

Timely Wanderings wholeheartedly believes that we have all been created by The Creator to create for His glory. That Still Small Voice speaks to each of us in unique ways. He is real, relatable, and relevant.

Timely Wanderings creates content inspired by instances from the everyday lives of God’s children.

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Do you have a desire to create for God's glory?

We use everyday experiences (and content) to proclaim Christ.

It could be anything from a social media post to an article on the blog, from a song to a painting. Just anything that speaks of God’s love for the world.

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